白井祥太郎 個展 2024.8.04-8.11

白井祥太郎 個展
2024年 8月4日(日)〜8月11日(日)12:00-20:00
--------------------------------------------▼過去の展示 Passed exhibition▼--------------------------------------------

Gary Ng






Between exhibitions Yellow Toes Gallery's owner's art works exhibit.

Junko Hoshizawa Sedlak
Junko Hoshizawa Sedlak
Permanent exhibition between shows. Pls contact me before you come.
Permanent exhibition between shows. Pls contact me before you come.
■Junko Hoshizawa Sedlak
Junko Hoshizawa Sedlak
is an art director, illustrator multi media creator and video artist.
Junko was born in Japan. Following her studies, she worked in the new media department of a Japanese department store. In San Diego, California, Junko studied and provided the art work and creative spirit for the Street Poet Ray art "movement" and published 6 books from Marvel Comics. More recently, she has worked as Senior Art Director at foreign ad agency in Tokyo and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. She has had solo and group shows in many cities and she has published numerous articles and books on design. She got The Award of Ministry of Culture Japan, Dallas Film Festival, Motion Dive Film contest and SIGGRAPH 2003 and 2004, and MTV Station ID contest . She opened art gallery "Yellow Toes" in Tokyo.
アートディレクター、イラストレーター。ビデオアーティスト。西武百貨店ニューメディア事業部にADとして勤務した後、米国カリフォルニア州、ロンドン、ベトナム、シンガポールと移住。外資系広告代理店のシニアアートディレクターとして勤務していたが'98年独立。シンガポールにて「JUNKO'S GRAPHICS」設立。各国にて個展、グループ展を多数開催。「Street Poet Ray」グラフィックポエム6冊をMarvel Comics(U.S.)より出版、他、著書多数。受賞歴:MTV Station ID、モーションダイブフィルムコンテスト、ダラスフィルムフェスティバル、文化庁メディア芸術祭ノンインタラクティブ部門優秀賞受賞、シーグラフ2003年(San Diego)、2004年(Los Angeles)、入選。東京目黒区にアートギャラリー「イエロー・トウズ」をオープン。
is an art director, illustrator multi media creator and video artist.
Junko was born in Japan. Following her studies, she worked in the new media department of a Japanese department store. In San Diego, California, Junko studied and provided the art work and creative spirit for the Street Poet Ray art "movement" and published 6 books from Marvel Comics. More recently, she has worked as Senior Art Director at foreign ad agency in Tokyo and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. She has had solo and group shows in many cities and she has published numerous articles and books on design. She got The Award of Ministry of Culture Japan, Dallas Film Festival, Motion Dive Film contest and SIGGRAPH 2003 and 2004, and MTV Station ID contest . She opened art gallery "Yellow Toes" in Tokyo.
アートディレクター、イラストレーター。ビデオアーティスト。西武百貨店ニューメディア事業部にADとして勤務した後、米国カリフォルニア州、ロンドン、ベトナム、シンガポールと移住。外資系広告代理店のシニアアートディレクターとして勤務していたが'98年独立。シンガポールにて「JUNKO'S GRAPHICS」設立。各国にて個展、グループ展を多数開催。「Street Poet Ray」グラフィックポエム6冊をMarvel Comics(U.S.)より出版、他、著書多数。受賞歴:MTV Station ID、モーションダイブフィルムコンテスト、ダラスフィルムフェスティバル、文化庁メディア芸術祭ノンインタラクティブ部門優秀賞受賞、シーグラフ2003年(San Diego)、2004年(Los Angeles)、入選。東京目黒区にアートギャラリー「イエロー・トウズ」をオープン。